Hey lovelies
For the final time I interrupt your normal viewing to bring you this tag.

It's finally week three of the TV show I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here, which means it's also the final week of the 'I'm A Beauty Blogger Tag, created by Rochelle & Natasha of Next Route Style who I recommend checking out.
Let's jump into the tag!
Q1) Big congratulations! You won last week's bush tucker trial. Your reward is the chance to create your own perfume. What ingredients/scents would you choose?
A1) I've suddenly become a big fan of Sandlewood and I currently have a candle in Sandlewood & Jasmine so turning that into a perfume would make a great scent.
Q2) Around the camp fire you're all sharing tips. What is the best advice you can give someone to keep your skin healthy?
A2) Always use products that has SPF in it.
Q3) How do you think your camp mates would describe you?
A3) genuine, funny & caring least I hope that's how they would describe me lol
Q4) You're missing your family & friends so to bring a bit of comfort to the jungle you are given the opportunity to send one twitter message (max 140 characters). Who would you text and what would you say.
A4) Probably my parents. 'Hope your missing me. Enjoy the peace. Be home soon'
Q5) You've made it to the final two and are awarded the classic three course meal. What would you choose meal. What would you choose for starter, main and dessert.
A5) I would start off with Garlic bread pizza, then my main: beef burger, chips & coleslaw and for dessert: chocolate brownies & ice cream. Even though it wasn't a part of the question I would wash it all down with 7up. Great now I'm hungry!
Q6) You're out of the jungle and the luxury hotel awaits! What will be the first thing you will do?
A6) A nice hot shower!
Q7) Now you're out of the jungle and have all your luxuries back, what would be one product you have lived without and could continue to live without?
A7) Perfume
Q8) Challenge - you have the choice of setting the challenge. What is your challenge and to whom?
A8) I literally have no idea.
That completes the tag. I hope you enjoyed reading my answers and taking part if you need. I'm sad the show is almost over but can't wait till next years show.
Till next time
Loved your finale answers Debbie. Great answers 2, 3 & 4! :-)
Big thanks for taking part in this tag; hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have.
x Roch & Tash x
Thanks girls, I really enjoyed taking part :)
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