Hey friend
When it comes to applying your make-up and getting it to apply and sit right can be a bit tricky, but it all comes down to washing your face properly. Here are 6 easy steps to washing your face.

Wash your face with warm water and a mild cleanser, make sure to really massage your cleanser into your skin. Once done, pat your face dry with a clean towel
Tip: Always pat your face dry never rub it.
Tip: Change your pillowcase weekly and use a fresh towel daily to avoid contaminating your face which could lead to breakouts.
Apply a toner and wait for it to dry. Toner is useful for those with extremely oily skin.
Tip: Hair products with oil and silicone in then will clog your pores if they get on your skin. If you was your face in the shower try to do it after you wash your hair.
Apply any medication, such as acne and spot treatment and allow to dry.

Apply eye cream or serum and let dry. You can skip this step if you don't have or use eye cream.

Apply moisturisers. Drying out your skin will actually cause it to produce more oils, allow this to sink into your skin before moving onto the next step.
Tip: Adding moisturisers last locks in active ingredients & helps products to be more effective in repairing your skin.
Apply make-up primer or you can use moisturisers to act as your primer. Now continue on with your make-up routine.
I hope you found these tips useful and help your make-up to set properly and last all day :)
Check out the first make-up for beginners here.
Till next time
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